Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Maybe there is hope

So my relationship with F is pretty much a everyone.. it has to be my family is to hurt from what he did if they knew i was still with him they would not be too happy i cant risk loosing them so i keep it a secret for now.. it sux and im not a liar and im lying to them and i hate it..
anyway i called F's mom from my house line..and she know's the deal with the secret crap. so i called her she didnt answer a few mins later the phone rang and my dad answered.. i knew it was her calling back.. he deleted the caller ID when he was done . i guess he didnt want me to no she called. She called to talk to me but he answered so they talked.. and im glad. and everything absolutely does happen for a reason and im so glad he answered and got to talk to her.they havent spoken in a few months since all this shit happened.. (F stole money from my dad and got kicked outta my house) so im glad they talked im sure my dad felt better and she told me how the convo went and it sounds like maybe there is hope that someday F will be excepted back in my family with a little hard work and paying back. it made me feel happy.


My Name Here said...

Hope is always there. No matter what. Hope is what holds me together every single day. It never goes away.
I am pulling for you guys.

joy said...

I've got some experience with secret relationships, so I know how hard it can be...especially, when the one you love is actin' up and you want some comfort!

Just know you've got lots of online friends here, ready to hold you in our virtual arms.