Monday, August 27, 2007

F you Mr Prison guards!

So i saw F yest. I love seeing him but i hate the circumstances. i had to wait in line for an hour and a 1/2 just so i could make it in the first visit. thank god it wasn't too hot. So they finally let us in and its my turn to show my ID and like an idiot i brought my purse which had my ciggs in it so i had to go put em in my car.. by the time i got back up there enough people had gotten in front of me so that i missed the first group so i had to sit there with screaming babies and dirty smelly people for like 45 minutes until it was my turn.

Of course the second i saw his face all my frustrations went away. The visits are 30 minutes. but its 30 minutes of yelling "What, i can't hear you?!" and crouching over so your back hurts when its over. i think its more stressful than anything.

So he signed his things over to me so i can pick em up. I asked one of the guards where i pick up property and he said around back. ..ok that doesn't tell me much so i ask someone else..."around back" Fuck it i'll find it my self so i drive around back... and theres all these gates and i don't no where the F im supposed to go so i go back to the front of the building this time i went in a diff entrance of course there was a speaker so i had to push a button and wait for someone to respond they tell me to talk threw the phone that is bak there. i remembered seeing a phone so i went back again and the guy said i could go through.. i stood there and thought to my self.. ok where... where do i go now.. so he waves me over now im at a gate.. no handle or anything.. he buzzez me in and i cant figure out how to open to stupid thing well i finally realized how and i opened it. now im in the middle of more gates so he buzzez another one (the sound is like a scary zapping noise..i didnt like it) Now im a big lot with gates and barbed wire all around i hear that noise again an assume its coming from the door on my right so i pushed it open. now im finally inside the jail in a little room with like 4 doors leading all diff places so now im really confused there is no one around and i dont no where to go now...i hear the buzing noise and try the first door on my!!! now its just a long dark hallway.. i felt like i was in a F'ing dungeon or a prisoner my self... so i walked down the hallway and turned into the first room with an open door it was the room for paying bails or picking someone up.. im the only person in there so i go to the window and of course the guys back is to me and hes on the comp... im knocking on the glass yelling hello... at this point im aggravated and i just want to get the F outta there. he finally turns around and i tell him what im there for and he informs me that i can only pick it up mon-fri. I left slamming doors behind me.. if the first damn person i talked to about this had told me i couldn't get it on a Sunday i wouldn't of have to go through all that shit . I HATE jails i hate everything about going there. I dont even want to go back to visit him.. but i have to i need to see him and its only like 4 more times. ill just have to make sure i dont bring my ciggs with me next time.

It's good to vent.


My Name Here said...

Girl, I feel you on this one. rdf

My Name Here said...

Crap, my daughter hit the button to post that. LOL, to be 5 again.
Anyway, I hated county visits for that reason, and when I had to pick up his stuff, they were horrible to me also. I went back and raised holy hell with the CO's. Not that it did any good, but I felt better.
At least he doesn't have a lot of time to do.

Anonymous said...

Good post.