Tuesday, August 21, 2007

cant think of a title

So i just got done writing down 4 songs for F he wants me to mail him the lyrics He told me to d/l the song "undeniable" by mat kearney( he's kinda sexy too!) b/c it reminds him of me he told me to d/l it the morning he went to jail b4 he even knew he was going so i did and i love it and i love alllll his other songs everyone should d/l them esp trainwreck. the lyrics im gunns send him are to "poor boy" "wait" "nothing lef to lose" "wont back down" i always did this for him when he was away the other times. im too tierd now to write him a letter that was alot of writing. So i think he's gunna b in there for about a month im not mad.. it will be good i think i hope he can have a CONTACT visit this weekend..that would be nicey nice. Sooooo i went to the gym today AND yesterday go me! planning on tomorrow also. I have $60 to my name until next week how shitty is that. I have an emergency credit card so im not sweatin it TO bad. any who its time for bed im tierd and my feet hurt good night online diary ;o)


My Name Here said...

Trainwreck is a great song!!! It is one of my fav's.

A.N. said...

Good job with the gym! That is so hard, but you are doing good!!