Thursday, August 16, 2007

Locked up

This A.M. i get a phone call from the dept of corrections and it was F telling me they are putting him in jail ( he is on parole) All he said was he didnt no why...and that it wasnt cuz of a dirty urine this time. and his parol officer got on the phone to confirm that..... he maxes out on the 12th of oct. so his parole offic. said he will stay there for a month or so and then be done with parole.. but i still wanna no why the fuk they are lockin him up AGAIN obviously he violated one way or another but i wanna no!

I cant believe this tho...jail...again.... . Whatever though.. nothing i can do about it.. ihave no idea when i will talk to him again.. he cant call me work collect.. or my cell or his moms house.. and deff cant call my house..i guess ill just have to find out when i can go there to see him..

i just cant believe it.. i can though...


Anonymous said...

It's hard not knowing. But as I commented before, look at the silver lining; he is safe, he is not using, and when he gets out he will have about 45 days clean, and hopefully can make a new start.

This may the answer to many of your prayers. Sometimes the answers don't come in the form we want them to, but they do come.

A.N. said...

I agree with ej. wholeheartedly. When Chris got arrested, I cannot even tell you how happy I was. I was so calm, so relaxed, just so peaceful. That's a whole different story!, but it was the best thing that has happened. Good luck - I'm here for you!

Anonymous said...

Some of the best nights of sleep that I ever had were jail nights. When C was locked up I was very upset, but man I slept well. I knew he wasn't using, driving under the influence, at risk for being killed from overdose or a drug dealer, stealing my stuff and on and on. I know you are upset now, but I promise things will improve. You are in great company here. Please let us know what we can do to help you.